API Reference

Retrieves information about an async text-to-speech job.

Depending on the accept header, the API returns either the job data in JSON format, a text event-stream of the job's progress or a byte stream of the generated audio file.

If the accept header contains accept: application/json or accept: */*, the endpoint responds with data about the requested job:

  • Status: 200 - OK
  • Body: the job data (e.g., job status, progress, etc.)

If the accept header contains accept: text/event-stream or the query param ?format=event-stream is present, it responds with a text event-stream about the job progress:

  • Status: 200 - OK
  • Body: an event stream that provides updates on the job's progress

If the accept header contains accept: audio/mpeg or the query param ?format=audio-mpeg is present, it responds with a byte stream of the generated audio file:

  • Status: 200 - OK
  • Body: streams audio file in the MP3 format or HTTP 406 if the file was not generated as MP3.
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