The pyht PlayHT Python SDK provides easy access to the beta version of PlayHT streaming API

pyht is an open source Python SDK for streaming audio from text using PlayHT 2.0 voice with the PlayHT2.0-turbo engine. With pyht, you can easily convert text into high-quality audio streams in humanlike voice. You can access the repository on GitHub here.

Currently the library support only streaming PlayHT 2.0 voices. For the full set of functionalities provided by the PlayHT API such as Voice Cloning and Async Text-to-Speech, see the links on the left menu.


  • Stream text-to-speech in real-time.
  • Use prebuilt voices or custom voice clones.
  • Supports WAV, MP3, PCM, Mulaw, FLAC, and OGG audio formats.


  • Python 3.8+
  • numpy
  • simpleaudio


You can install the pyht SDK using pip:

pip install pyht


You can use the pyht SDK by creating a Client instance and calling its tts method. Here's a simple example:

from pyht import Client
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pyht.client import TTSOptions
import os

client = Client(
  	# for on-prem users, uncomment and add the advanced grpc_addr option below. Replace grpc_addr with your endpoint. 
  	# advanced=client.Client.AdvancedOptions(grpc_addr="{your-endpoint}")
options = TTSOptions(voice="s3://voice-cloning-zero-shot/d9ff78ba-d016-47f6-b0ef-dd630f59414e/female-cs/manifest.json")
for chunk in client.tts("Can you tell me your account email or, ah your phone number?", options):
    # do something with the audio chunk

For a more detailed example with command-line arguments and interactive mode, refer to the provided demo.

Command-Line Demo

You can run the provided demo from the command line.

Note: This demo depends on the following packages:

pip install numpy simpleaudio
python demo/ --user YOUR_USER_ID --key YOUR_API_KEY --text "Hello from Play!"

Alternatively, you can run the demo in interactive mode:

python demo/ --user YOUR_USER_ID --key YOUR_API_KEY --interactive

In interactive mode, you can input text lines to generate and play audio on-the-fly. An empty line will exit the interactive session.

Get an API Key

To get started with the pyht SDK, you'll need your API Secret Key and User ID. Follow these steps to obtain them:

  1. Access the API Page:
    Navigate to the API Access page.

  2. Generate Your API Secret Key:

    • Click the "Generate Secret Key" button under the "Secret Key" section.
    • Your API Secret Key will be displayed. Ensure you copy it and store it securely.
  3. Locate Your User ID:
    Find and copy your User ID, which can be found on the same page under the "User ID" section.

Keep your API Secret Key confidential. It's crucial not to share it with anyone or include it in publicly accessible code repositories.

To stream audio from text:

from pyht import Client

client = Client(  
	 # for on-prem users, uncomment and add the advanced grpc_addr option below. Replace grpc_addr with your endpoint. 
   # advanced=client.Client.AdvancedOptions(grpc_addr="{your-endpoint}")

for chunk in client.tts("Hello World!", voice="<YOUR_VOICE_URI>"):
  # do something with the audio chunk