To prevent abuse, our APIs are rate-limited. The specific limits depend on the API you are using and the plan you are on.

Limits are specified on the table below.

requests/m means maximum number of allowed requests in a minute, and chars/m means maximum number of characters per minute. For endpoints that have both requests/m and chars/m, the calls will be limited when any of those limits is reached.

APIs vs PlansFree/Hacker
Node.js SDK
Python SDK
Node.js Turbo Streaming SDK
35,000 chars/m87,500 chars/m350,000 chars/mCustom
POST /v2/tts20 requests/m
35,000 chars/m
50 requests/m
87,500 chars/m
200 requests/m
350,000 chars/m
POST /v2/tts/stream10 requests/m
35,000 chars/m
25 requests/m
87,500 chars/m
100 requests/m
350,000 chars/m
GET /api/v2/tts/:id40 requests/m100 requests/m400 requests/mCustom
GET /api/v2/voices
GET /api/v2/cloned-voices
POST /api/v2/leases
POST /api/v2/transcriptions
GET /api/v2/transcriptions/:id
20 requests/m50 requests/m200 requests/mCustom
POST /api/v2/cloned-voices/instant
DELETE /api/v2/cloned-voices
4 requests/m10 requests/m40 requests/mCustom
POST /v1/convert50 requests/m50 requests/m50 requests/mCustom

Limits for the Standard & Premium Voices APIs

The conversion endpoint (POST /v1/convert ) is rate-limited to 50 requests per minute.

How are rate limits calculated?

Our API rate limit is based on the number of requests being sent within the same minute.

What happens if I hit my rate limits?

If you exceed your API rate limits, your requests will be met with an error response indicating a 429 HTTP status code. This means you have exceeded the maximum number of requests allowed for the minute. You can make new requests after a short waiting period of no more than a minute.

Can I increase my rate limits?

Yes. It is configurable per client. Please reach out using our contact page so we can better understand your use case and devise the best strategy for you.